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[   ] IMG_PARAMS  16.00Kb  October 19 2000
[DIR] TMP  4.00Kb  October 19 2000
[   ] WS_FTP.LOG  5.75Kb  October 19 2000
[   ] images.aux  8.00b  October 19 2000
[   ] images.log  5.10Kb  October 19 2000
[   ]  3.94Kb  October 19 2000
[   ] images.tex  7.18Kb  October 19 2000
[IMG] img1.gif  383.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img10.gif  2.49Kb  October 19 2000
[IMG] img11.gif  975.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img12.gif  776.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img13.gif  354.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img14.gif  478.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img15.gif  521.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img16.gif  540.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img17.gif  951.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img18.gif  758.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img19.gif  430.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img2.gif  297.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img3.gif  694.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img4.gif  731.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img5.gif  425.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img6.gif  378.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img7.gif  1.51Kb  October 19 2000
[IMG] img8.gif  127.00b  October 19 2000
[IMG] img9.gif  1.49Kb  October 19 2000
[DIR] l2h772  4.00Kb  October 19 2000
[   ]  108.00b  October 19 2000
[   ] midsol.css  714.00b  October 19 2000
[TXT] midsol.html  1.79Kb  October 19 2000

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