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[   ] prices_x_2011110706.eod  490.77Kb  July 6 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110707.eod  491.62Kb  July 7 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110708.eod  498.30Kb  July 8 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110711.eod  500.46Kb  July 11 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110712.eod  502.40Kb  July 12 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110713.eod  514.02Kb  July 13 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110714.eod  514.81Kb  July 14 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110715.eod  518.87Kb  July 15 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110718.eod  523.39Kb  July 18 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110719.eod  523.71Kb  July 19 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110720.eod  523.69Kb  July 20 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110721.eod  524.41Kb  July 21 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110722.eod  525.94Kb  July 22 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110725.eod  529.63Kb  July 25 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110726.eod  530.05Kb  July 26 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110727.eod  530.95Kb  July 27 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110728.eod  530.79Kb  July 28 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110729.eod  530.79Kb  July 29 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110801.eod  534.80Kb  August 1 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110802.eod  524.15Kb  August 2 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110803.eod  524.12Kb  August 3 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110804.eod  524.35Kb  August 4 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110805.eod  524.77Kb  August 5 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110808.eod  524.71Kb  August 8 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110809.eod  524.94Kb  August 9 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110810.eod  524.92Kb  August 10 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110811.eod  525.55Kb  August 11 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110812.eod  525.64Kb  August 12 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110815.eod  525.96Kb  August 15 2011
[   ] prices_x_2011110816.eod  505.22Kb  August 16 2011

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